

  • Corporate Governance

  • Board of Directors

  • Committee

  • Internal Audit

  • Rules and Regulations

Board Members

Qisda board members perform operation evaluation and make significant resolutions based on the consideration of the interests of the Company and all shareholders with priority. CPAs and independent directors also act as supervisors to rigorously review the duty execution status of the board of directors.

According to the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, presently, the board of directors includes nine director seats with a term of office of three years. Directors are elected from the director candidate roster by the shareholders’ meeting, and re-election of directors for consecutive terms is permitted. The term of office of the current directors is from May 29, 2023, to May 28, 2026.

Peter Chen



  • EMBA, Thunderbird American Graduate School, USA
  • Technology Management Program, National Chengchi University
  • Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
  • EVP of Technology Product Center, BenQ Corporation
  • President, Qisda Corp. 

Current Position

  • Chairperson and CEO, Qisda Corporation
  • Director, Darfon Electronics Corp.
  • Chairperson, DFI Inc. (Subsidiary)
  • Chairperson, Partner Tech Corp. (Subsidiary)
  • Chairperson, BenQ Medical Technology Corporation (Subsidiary)
  • Vice Chairperson, Alpha Networks Inc. (Subsidiary)
  • Director, Hitron Technologies Inc. (Subsidiary)
  • Director, BenQ Materials (Subsidiary)
  • Director, BenQ Corporation (Subsidiary)
  • Director, BenQ Foundation

Expertise and attributes

Possess multi-industry experience and leadership skills, is familiar with industry-related contacts and attaches importance to public welfare. 

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Paul SL Peng



  • MBA, Heriot-Watt University, UK
  • President, AU Optoelectronics Corp.

Current Position

  • Chairperson and CEO, AU Optoelectronics Corp.
  • Konly Venture Corp. 
  • Ronly Venture Corp
  • Chairperson, AUO Foundation

Expertise and attributes

With rich industry experience and leadership, he is concerned about sustainable development management and public welfare. 

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

James CP Chen



  • M.S., Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
  • Section Manager. Electronics Research & Service Organization, Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Vice President, Consumer Application Strategy Business, AU Optoelectronics Corp.

Current Position

  • Senior Vice President, Display Strategy Business Group, AU Optoelectronics Corp.

Expertise and attributes

Rich industry experience, familiar with industry-related contacts. 

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Joe Huang



  • EMBA, Tsinghua University, China
  • MBA, University of Greenwich, UK
  • Senior Vice President, Qisda-GM of Global Supply Chain 
  • General Manager,Qisda 
  • COO, BenQ China

Current Position

  • President, Qisda Corp
  • Chairperson, Data Image Corporation (Subsidiary)
  • Chairperson, DIVA Laboratories, Ltd. (Subsidiary)
  • Director, Topview Optronics Corporation (Subsidiary)
  • Chairperson, SIMULA TECHNOLOGY INC. (Subsidiary)
  • Director: BenQ Foundation

Expertise and attributes

Rich industry experience, familiar with industry-related contacts and emphasis on public welfare. 

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Lo-Yu Yen

Independent Director


  • Vice Chairman and GM, Vincera Capital 
  • Chief Strategy Officer, Deloitte China 
  • CPA, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited 

Current Position

  • Director, Chinese Television System Inc. 
  • Independent Director, Chunghwa Telecom
  • Independent Director, Sinyi Realty Inc. 
  • Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund 

Expertise and attributes

Professional in financial accounting and venture capital.

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Jyuo-Min Shyu

Independent Director


  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley 
  • Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology 
  • President, Industrial Technology Research Institute 
  • Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University 
  • Professor Emeritus, National Tsing Hua University

Current Position

  • Director, Iridium Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 
  • Director, GeoThings, Inc. 
  • Director, Alpha Ring Asia Inc. 
  • Independent director, United Microelectronics Corp. 
  • Independent director, FAR EASTONE 
  • Independent director, TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD. 

Expertise and attributes

Specialized in academic research, committed to sustainable development management. 

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Liang-Gee Chen

Independent Director


  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
  • Executive Vice President for Academics & Research, National Taiwan University
  • Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.
  • Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
  • General Director, Electronics Research and Service Organization of Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • President, National Applied Research Laboratories

Current Position

  • Independent Director, Vanguard International Semiconductor Co.
  • Independent Director, Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. 
  • Director, Nuvoton Technology Corporation
  • Director, Himax Technologies Limited.
  • Director, Ganzin Technology, Inc.
  • Independent Director, Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.

Expertise and attributes

Specialized in academic research, is familiar with industry knowledge.

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Chiu-Lien Lin

Independent Director


  • Master of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
  • Investment Consultant, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, LTD.
  • Assistant Vice General Manager of Department of Financial Transactions, China Development Industrial Bank
  • Fund Manager of China Securities Investment Trust Corp.

Current Position

  • Supervisor, Yu-Song Investment Co, Ltd.

Expertise and attributes

Professional in financial accounting and investment.

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Shu-Chun Huang

Independent Director


  • Master of Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University
  • Chairperson, Semiconductor International Capacity Statistics, SICAS
  • Director, National Taiwan University EMBA Foundation
  • Off-campus advisory committee member, Institute of Science and Technology Management, National Chiao Tung University
  • Special Assistant to the President and Consultant, ITE Tech. Inc.
  • Manager, Strategic Marketing Department, Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation

Current Position

  • Independent Director, Sensortek Technology Corp.
  • Director, Lerain Technology Co., LTD.
  • Independent Director, Zero One Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Chairman, Choice Delights Incorporated

Expertise and attributes

Professional in technology management and marketing.

Job Assumption Date: 2023-05-29

Diversity Implementation Status

The Company has established the “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles” on May 5, 2015. Chapter 3 “Enhancing the Functions of the Board of Directors” specifies the requirements for the diversity of the composition of the members of the board of directors. The nomination and election of the members of the board of directors of the Company complies with the requirements specified in the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, and a candidate nomination system is adopted. In addition to the evaluation of the qualification of the educational background and work experience of all candidates, the opinions of stakeholders are also considered. The requirements specified in the “Procedures for the Election of Directors and Supervisors” and “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles” are satisfied in order to ensure the diversity and independence of the members of the board of directors.

According to the “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles” of the Company, the composition of members of the board of directors is determined by taking diversity into consideration and formulating an appropriate policy on diversity based on the Company’s business operations, operational dynamics, and development needs. The policy includes, but is not limited to, the following two main standards:

Basic requirements and values :

Gender, identity and race, etc.

Professional knowledge and skills :

Professional background, professional skill and in

Name&Title Gender Diverse Industry and Professional Skills Term of Office of Independent Directors
Business Management Academic Research Industry Knowledge Information Technology Venture Capital Investment Finance and Accounting Sustainable Development

Chi-Hong (Peter) Chen 

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Shuang-Lang (Paul) Peng



James CP Chen



Han-Chou (Joe) Huang

Director and President


Lo-Yu (Charles) Yen

Independent Director

Three terms or less

Jyuo-Min Shyu

Independent Director

Three terms or less

Liang-Gee Chen

Independent Director

Three terms or less

Chiu-Lien (Julie) Lin

Independent Director

Three terms or less

Shu-Chun (Mandy) Huang

Independent Director

Three terms or less

In consideration of the list for Qisda’s Board Members, Number of Directors who has experience in business management, multi-industry knowledge, and venture capital investment, and is committed to environmentally sustainable development and public welfare contributions exceed half of all Directors; besides that, the Independent Director Lo-Yu (Charles) Yen and Chiu-Lien (Julie) Lin have possess financial accounting expertise, the Independent Director Jyuo-Min Shyu and Liang-Gee Chen have a background in information technology industry, the Independent Director Shu-Chun Huang covers industry and ESG fields. The diverse experience and capabilities of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company have greatly contributed to the overall business operation of the Company.

Concurrently an employee of the Company accounts for 22.22 and 55.55% of independent directors respectively. one director is aged between 51-60 and Eight directors between 61-70 years of age. The composition of the board members adopts the policy of diversity in compliance with the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles, and has been disclosed on the Company website and the Market Observation Post System (MOPS).

Specific Management Objectives of the Diversity Policy and Achievement Status

  • 2


    of Female Board Directors

  • 1/2


    the number of seats of independent directors

  • 1/3

    less than

    the number of seats of directors concurrently acting as managerial officers

Board of Directors Performance Evaluation

The board of directors of the Company approved the “Regulations for Board of Directors Performance Evaluation” on November 7, 2018, specifying that the board of directors shall execute the internal performance evaluation at least once per year, with at least one external performance evaluation every three years. In order to strengthen the directors' participation in the company's operations, the Board of directors revised the "Corporate Governance Code of Practice " on August 6, 2024, the average rate of actual attendance of all directors at board meetings in any given year is advised to reach 85% or more (unless there are exceptional reasons).

  • Internal Performance Evaluation
  • External Performance Evaluation

The Company executes performance self-evaluation for the “board of directors”, “board members”, “audit committee” and “salary and compensation committee” every year. The evaluation results are divided into four levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, and Improvement Required.

The 2023 internal performance self-evaluation results of the “board of directors and board members”, “audit committee” and “salary and compensation committee” of the Company was “Excellent”, and reported to the Board of Directors in March 5, 2024.

The 2022 internal performance self-evaluation results of the “board of directors and board members”, “audit committee” and “salary and compensation committee” of the Company was “Excellent”, and reported to the Board of Directors in March 6, 2023.

The 2021 internal performance self-evaluation results of the “board of directors and board members”, “audit committee” and “salary and compensation committee” of the Company was “Excellent”, and reported to the Board of Directors in March 7, 2022.

Internal Performance Evaluation

Evaluation Cycle

Executed once per year

Evaluation Period


Evaluation Scope

Board of directors and board members

Audit Committee

Salary and compensation committee

Evaluation Method

Internal self-evaluation

Evaluation Content

  • Board of directors and board members 
  1. Understanding of the goals and mission of the Company
  2. Level of participation in the operation of the Company
  3. Management of internal relationships and communication
  4. Improvement of the quality of the board of directors’ decision-making
  5. Composition and structure of the board of directors
  6. Awareness of the duties of directors
  7. Election, professionalism and continuing education of directors
  8. Internal control

  • Audit Committee
  1. Level of participation in the operation of the Company
  2. Awareness of the duties of the audit committee
  3. Improvement of the quality of the audit committee’s decision-making
  4. Composition of the audit committee and election of its members
  5. Internal control

  • Salary and compensation committee
  1. Level of participation in the operation of the Company
  2. Awareness of the duties of the salary and compensation committee
  3. Improvement of the quality of the salary and compensation committee’s decision-making
  4. Composition of the salary and compensation committee and election of its members

Director Continuing Education Status

The Company irregularly organizes courses on director professional knowledge and training for directors to participate in:

  • In June and December 2022, the courses "ESG Reporting Trends and Their Disclosure Business Implications" and "Strengthening digital resilience and constructing strategies for strengthening information security governance of listed companies" were arranged by Taiwan Corporate Governance Association.
  • In June,  the courses "Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises" were arranged by Taiwan Investor Relations Institute.
Name & Title Job Assumption Date Training Date Organizer Course Name Training Hours Training compliance with requirements

Chiu-Lien (Julie) Lin

Independent Director


  • 2024/08/16
  • 2024/02/21
  • 2023/12/01
  • 2023/06/01
  • 2023/04/14
  • 2022/06/14
  • 2022/04/15
  • 2021/09/14
  • 2021/09/01
  • 2021/08/24
  • 2021/08/03
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • The Greater Chinese Financial Development Association
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Financial Supervisory Commission
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Re-evolution of data centers: development trends of silicon photonics and artificial intelligence servers
  • Building a resilient supply chain for enterprises
  • Tax governance in the new global tax environment
  • Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises
  • Legal Risks and Responses to Enterprise Investment and Financing - From the Viewpoint of Corporate Directors' Responsibilities
  • How the audit committee implements financial report review
  • The Risk Trends of Smart Technologies in the Cloud Generation
  • Changes in the 5G Era: Industrial Upgrading, Future Business Applications, and the New Normal in the Post-Pandemic Era
  • 13th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum- Afternoon Session
  • Responsibilities of Directors and Supervisors - Talking about Corporate Governance from KY Cases
  • Cyber attacks and information security issues for directors and supervisors
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


Shu-Chun (Mandy) Huang

Independent Director


  • 2024/08/01
  • 2024/07/30
  • 2024/06/13
  • 2023/09/13
  • 2023/08/28
  • 2023/08/09
  • 2023/08/03
  • 2023/08/01
  • 2023/07/12
  • 2023/07/04
  • 2023/06/01
  • 2023/04/27
  • 2022/10/25
  • 2022/10/11
  • 2022/08/25
  • 2022/06/22
  • 2021/10/14
  • 2021/09/15
  • 2021/09/01
  • 2021/09/01
  • 2021/08/31
  • 2021/03/15
  • 2021/01/15
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association
  • Taiwan Securities & Futures Institute
  • Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association
  • Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taipei Exchange
  • Taiwan Academy of Banking And Finance
  • Taipei Exchange
  • Taipei Exchange
  • Taiwan Academy of Banking And Finance
  • Taiwan Listed Companies Association
  • Financial Supervisory Commission
  • Taiwan Listed Companies Association
  • Taipei Exchange
  • Taipei Exchange
  • Taiwan Listed Companies Association
  • Taiwan Listed Companies Association
  • Development opportunities and challenges for Taiwanese businessmen in China
  • The key to how companies can improve ESG performance
  • Introduction to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the sharing of the worldwide trend of net-zero emissions
  • Domestic and foreign economic and industrial trends and corporate response strategies
  • Measuring and managing the impact of sustainable development goals
  • The impact of carbon pricing on business operations
  • Taiwan corporate mergers and acquisitions practice
  • Business cycle and industry trends
  • AI Thinking and Digital Transformation
  • 2023 Cathay sustainable finance and climate change summit
  • Publicity meeting for sustainable development action plans of listed counter companies
  • Corporate Governance Lecture
  • Reference guide for Independent Director and Audit Committee
  • Seminar to insiders of listed/registered companies
  • Corporate Governance and Corporate Sustainability Seminar
  • Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Prospects under the New Situation
  • Industrial M&A and Transformation Innovation in Taiwan
  • 13th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum
  • 2021 Sustainability through ESG Webinar
  • 2021 Sustainability through ESG Webinar
  • Taiwan's 50 years: talent cultivation and disaster prevention
  • Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises
  • Taiwan's economic development and future prospects in the post-pandemic era
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


Jyuo-Min Shyu

Independent Director


  • 2024/06/13
  • 2023/07/24
  • 2023/04/26
  • 2023/04/11
  • 2022/12/06
  • 2022/11/18
  • 2022/05/12
  • 2022/04/20
  • 2021/12/15
  • 2021/11/19
  • 2021/09/08
  • 2021/09/01
  • 2021/04/27
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Taipei Foundation of Finance
  • Taiwan Accounting Research and Development Foundation
  • Taiwan Securities & Futures Institute
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Stock Exchange
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Accounting Research and Development Foundation
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance
  • Financial Supervisory Commission
  • Securities & Futures Institute
  • Introduction to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the sharing of the worldwide trend of net-zero emissions
  • Artificial Intelligence Booming: The Technology Development and Application Opportunities of the ChatGPT
  • The latest developments and law revision trends of international taxes and domestic tax
  • Directors and Corporate Governance Supervisor Practice Advanced Seminar-Global economy and industrial technology development trends
  • Strengthen digital resilience and build a strategy for strengthening information security governance of listed companies
  • Risks and Opportunities of Sustainability
  • International Summit Online Forum
  • On the legal responsibility of corporate directors from the perspective of intellectual property management
  • The Challenges & Opportunities of Net Zero Emissions for Enterprises
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Corporate Governance Seminar – Enterprise Digital Transformation
  • 13th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum
  • Employee remuneration strategy and instrument utilization study
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 6
  • 3


Han-Chou (Joe) Huang

Director and President


  • 2024/06/13
  • 2023/07/06
  • 2023/06/01
  • 2022/12/06
  • 2022/06/30
  • 2021/11/18
  • 2021/08/19
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Corporate Operating and Sustainable Development Association
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Digital Governance Association
  • Securities & Futures Institute
  • Introduction to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the sharing of the worldwide trend of net-zero emissions
  • Corporate Governance and Securities Regulations-Executives of the listed companies with the understanding of supervision from governmental authority
  • Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises
  • Strengthen digital resilience and build a strategy for strengthening information security governance of listed companies
  • ESG Reporting Trends and Its Business Implications for Information Disclosure
  • Corporate ethical governance and insider trading control
  • Employee remuneration strategy and instrument utilization study
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


Chi-Hong (Peter) Chen 

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


  • 2024/06/13
  • 2023/12/01
  • 2023/06/01
  • 2022/12/06
  • 2022/06/30
  • 2021/11/18
  • 2021/08/19
  • 2021/03/15
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Independent Director Association Taiwan
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Digital Governance Association
  • Securities & Futures Institute
  • Association of Publicly Listed Taiwanese Companies
  • Introduction to IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and the sharing of the worldwide trend of net-zero emissions
  • Tax governance in the new global tax environment
  • Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises
  • Strengthen digital resilience and build a strategy for strengthening information security governance of listed companies
  • ESG Reporting Trends and Its Business Implications for Information Disclosure
  • Corporate ethical governance and insider trading control
  • Employee remuneration strategy and instrument utilization study
  • 50 years of Taiwan past and future: Talent cultivation and disaster prevention
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 2


Lo-Yu (Charles) Yen

Independent Director


  • 2024/03/13
  • 2023/11/14
  • 2023/09/21
  • 2022/11/25
  • 2022/06/30
  • 2022/06/21
  • 2021/12/07
  • 2021/11/30
  • 2021/11/05
  • 2021/08/27
  • 2021/08/19
  • 2021/05/06
  • The Greater Chinese Financial Development Association
  • Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Stock Exchange
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Securities & Futures Institute
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • The New Equation for Digital Transformation
  • 6th Global Corporate Sustainability Forum 1-1 
  • AI transformation: welcome to the real "computer" era
  • Construct a senior executive reward system that is conducive to the long-term development of the organization
  • ESG Reporting Trends and its Business Implications for Information Disclosure
  • Hotel management and innovation and new opportunities in the post-epidemic era
  • Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit
  • Digital opportunities and digital talent
  • Net zero emissions by 2030/2050 – Sustainability challenges and opportunities for global enterprises
  • Real estate sustainability thinking and brand development sharing
  • Employee remuneration strategy and instrument utilization study
  • CSR and ESG in practice through green energy and renewable energy case studies
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 6
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


James CP Chen



  • 2023/12/13
  • 2023/12/08
  • 2023/10/20
  • 2023/06/01
  • The Greater Chinese Financial Development Association & Taiwan Listed Companies Association
  • Securities and Futures Institute
  • Securities and Futures Institute
  • Taiwan Investor Relations Institute
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Development for Enterprises
  • The 2023 forum of laws and regulations on insider trading 
  • 2023 Annual Prevention of Insider Trading Disseminate Conference
  • Establishment and Key Points of Intellectual Property Management System for Enterprises
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


Liang-Gee Chen

Independent Director


  • 2023/10/26
  • 2023/06/02
  • 2022/12/13
  • 2022/08/09
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Intellectual Property Management and Trade Secret 
  • 2023 Taishin Net Zero Summit Go Towards Green Energy
  • Deep diving the cybersecurity tactics of listed companies from the perspective of ESG development
  • Climate Change Risks and Opportunities
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3


Shuang-Lang (Paul) Peng



  • 2023/09/01
  • 2023/09/01
  • 2022/05/05
  • 2022/04/20
  • 2021/10/26
  • 2021/09/01
  • 2021/07/27
  • 2021/04/27
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Financial Supervisory Commission
  • Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
  • Securities & Futures Institute
  • Corporate Reputation and Risk Management
  • The potential impacts of climate change risks on corporate financial disclosure
  • Post-merger Integration and Corporate Governance of Investment Holding Company
  • On the legal responsibility of corporate directors from the perspective of intellectual property management
  • Management power disputes and case study analysis
  • 13th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum
  • Overseas holding company organization restructuring – Migration evaluation and the impact of the global lowest tax rate on international companies
  • Employee remuneration strategy and instrument utilization study
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3
  • 1.5
  • 3


  • Board Members
  • Diversity Implementation Status
  • Board of Directors Performance Evaluation
  • Director Continuing Education Status